vendredi 3 mai 2013

My Interview with Mike Dooley: "We Need to Think, Speak, and Behave, as If We Knew of Our Inevitable Successes"

You have, surely, come across his name. As a positive and dreams achiever , you may have seen or read about him on the bestselling DVD and book : The Secret. Or maybe your are one of the 300,000 subscribers across the planet that receive personalized notes 5 days a week from his Otherwise you could be one of the readers of his famous books such as « Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!», or you may have listened to his teachings, especially, his first audio program «Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams» (2001), which sold a quarter-million copies. Whatever could be the way, Mike Dooley remains one of the famous positive teacher that could guide you to discover the power of your mind and to use your thoughts in order to start living your dreams. The following is my extremely enjoyable interview with him:

Q: « Manifesting Change : It Couldn't Be Easier » is your upcoming book (expected to be published November 16, 2010). What is going to be its main issue?
A: It's about creating major life changes, but with a spiritual approach. Everything I teach is based on a spiritual approach, including the fact that our thoughts become things. Spirit cannot be taken out of the equation. Yet, for me there is a night versus day difference between spirituality and religion. To me, they do not mix well, ironically! Religion is exclusive of others, it attempts to foster spirituality, but with man-made rules. I was raised a Catholic, but it never made sense to me. Christianity, in my opinion, like most religions, is riddled with contradictions, and it raises more questions than it answers.
Q: «Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!(1)» is one of your books (published in 2009), in which you discuss the power of thoughts. How could we stop negative thoughts?
A: The best thing to do is not to worry about them. We are more positive than we give ourselves credit for. We are inclined to succeed, to have friends, to be healthy, to thrive in time and space. Our lives and our civilization are proof of this. Therefore if we just do our best to be as positive as we can, choose our thoughts, words, and actions as wisely as we can, all while understanding the truth about reality, then we will be very happy with our progress. More damage is done worrying about negativity, than the negativity itself.
Q : That is why we tend usually to resist and when we resist it persists, right?
A : Because of our inclination towards thriving, it is therefore as if our positive thoughts are 10,000 times more powerful than our negative thoughts! So if we just do our best to be positive, and not beat ourselves when we are negative, we will be in a good place. Yes, you are right. We end up giving the unpleasant thing too much attention and energy.
Q : On your book "Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams(2)", you introduce people to the world of possibilities. How big that world is? and what could limit it?
A : It is infinite... and the biggest limit on uncovering it, is not UNDERSTANDING. That book is all about understanding the truth of who we are, how we got here, and what we can do with our lives. It then goes on to share HOW to get on with your life.
Q-TUTs(3) notes are personalized notes sent via email, how do these messages affect the mind- being personalized?
A : It is very, very simple....The major principle in life is that our 'thoughts become things". This is our ultimate trump card. It overrides karma, spiritual contracts, and absolutely everything else....So a long time ago, I used to send myself positive notes and reminders about life's magic... Just to keep my thoughts in alignment with my dreams and to remind me of my power. I, then, had the idea to send them out as email, simply to help people channel their own thoughts constructively.
At the time, I had everyone's name, so I used software to integrate their names into their notes... and it has stuck. Although not intentionally meant to achieve anything other than make the notes more personal and warm and fuzzy. The truth is, such personalization helps to reach people at a deeper level.
Q : People wonder generally how these notes come at the right time?
A: It is uncanny.... I think it's truly a bit magical... I hear that from EVERYONE!
Q- Lately TUT turned to become a social network , do you think that getting engaged in positive social networks is important to keep it up?
A : Everything helps... we are still tweaking our site, and making it more Facebook integrated.
Q : The TUTs club organizes tours around the world, what is the purpose of these tours? And what has been your favorite till now?
A : The purpose is simply FUN. Life is all about fun, joy, happiness... overcoming challenges that lead us to become greater and wiser, and then to have even more fun. We have had about 7 trips so far... all excellent and very memorable. Machu Picchu was incredible, and we just returned from a Nile cruise, which was also totally WOW! All are fun, and we do it to help facilitate like minded people getting together on great adventures.
Q-Gifts from the Universe is a charity work to raise money for causes that "help make the world even brighter" as the describes them. What are the causes TUT stand for and how many people you have helped so far?
A : We have not yet figured out our own cause, so every month we help others causes. I believe we have raised over $200,000 for different groups, but we are about to start teaching in prisons and jails locally, and then we will teach to troubled teenagers and abused woman, all of whom need to learn how to become independent financially and emotionally.
This will begin in a few weeks and we are very excited. Once we have a teaching formula, we will replicate it, and once the system is in place, we will accept donations to buy books and learning materials for these people.
Q-Could you describe the transformation from TUT (Totally Unique T-shirts) to TUT (Totally Unique Thoughts)?
A : It was scarey and challenging. I tell the story on the NOTES page of our site, and in Choose Them Wisely. Basically T-shirt sales were declining and so were profits, mom, Andy and I decided to liquidate. Then I was 39, and had no idea what to do with my life. But even then I practised what I, now, teach: Have an End Result... let it be GENERALLY STATED (so the universe can figure out the hows and the details)... and then take LOTS of action... the baby steps...Combine this with UNDERSTANDING the truth about life, and miracles are guaranteed!
Q: Is it a secret formula to succeed and be happy ?
A: It shouldn't be a secret, but since most people don't realize the truth about how easy it is, and they don't realize they are already natural born creators, then yes, it is fair to call it a SECRET!
Q : The Secret is a bestselling book and DVD that changed millions of lives around the planet -including mine. Why some people fail to practise the law of attraction and found themselves stuck either to dream of it or work on it?
A: Because it is still new thinking for most, and because they still fail to understand the absolute truth that is involved. Also, people water their power down by continuing to believe in dogmatic religions that do not empower them, but that actually debilitate them. This is why UNDERSTANDING the truth is all important. The truth will set you free! But not some religion's truth, the truth that we are all divine, adored, and infinitely powerful! That our thoughts become things, that dreams come true, that nothing is meant to be, that we are gladiators of love and fun and joy. That life is beautiful, that everyone means to do well, that we are miracles workers...... !
Q : Do you think that everybody has to look for this truth within?
A : It's purely optional! But discovering the truth, which is so simple, makes everything easier. It does not mean that we will live challenge free lives!! Challenges help us grow and become more. Challenges are essential for their to be adventure! Without challenges, we would all die of boredom. "There to be adventure!" Still... it is all optional... yet not knowing the truth does not stop the truth from being true (as was said by Richard Bach, the author). Whether or not people wake up to the fact that they are creators, doesn't mean they aren't. They will just continue creating accidentally... which can be scary and unpleasant.
Q : Keeping the end result in mind versus focusing on the moment, how a balance is possible?
: I suggest only visualizing 5 minutes a day, then get back to the here and now, enjoying all you already have and who you already are.

Q : Is change possible if "who you are" has not been accepted yet?
A: Acceptance of a situation is critical, but life is so flexible, there may even be workarounds. Most important to creating change is knowing where you want to go, and taking action. It is not as important to understand where you have been or where you are. yet if someone has misunderstandings about who they are, or their power, or if they have significant limiting beliefs, then yes, acceptance is necessary so that understanding can be achieved.
Q : What are your favorite quotes and books ?
A : Too many quotes to list, but most of all, I love "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."- Thomas A Edison
My favorite books are "Discover the Power Within You" (Eric Butterworth), "The Prophet" (Khalil Gibran), "Illusions" (Richard Bach), all my favorite books are listed on (recomanded reading(4))
Q : What is the 'secret' or 'information' you think everybody should know?
A : "Thoughts Become Things" is all what anyone needs to know... but it implies more than meets the eye, because our words and our actions spring from our thoughts as well. Therefore, we need to think, speak, and behave, as if we knew of our inevitable successes.
Q : Any upcoming events, tours or projects?
A : I am now on World Tour III... the list of locations is at It is going very well! Tahiti in September, African Safari, probably in Kenya, next Fall (2011).
2- Infinite Possibilities : The Art of Living Your Dreams :

Here You can find my original Interview:

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